
How to Find Free Concerts in LA

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Los Angeles concerts

Are you living in or traveling to Los Angeles and hoping to experience the music scene in its fullness?

As the cradle of the music business, Los Angeles is considered one of the biggest music cities in the US.

Enjoying the music scene in LA doesn’t need to be a costly endeavor.

Read on to learn how to find free Los Angeles concerts.

1. Open Mic Nights

With so much budding talent in LA, local open mic nights are a great way to see a free concert. You might even catch an early glimpse of the next big singer-songwriter!

Here are a few open mic night venues to check out:

  1. UnUrban Coffee House in Santa Monica
  2. Pig ‘n Whistle in Hollywood
  3. The Cork Lounge in Sherman Oaks
  4. The Baked Potato in Studio City

If you’re a musician, you should consider signing up to perform at one of the open mic nights and immerse yourself in LA’s music scene.

2. Browse Social Media

Log on to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to keep up with the pulse of free Los Angeles concerts.

Many artists and bands will post about free events and open mics that they’re performing at.

If you’re having trouble, search through Los Angeles hashtags or a quick Google search to help you track down free concerts coming up.

3. Pay Attention to Flyers around LA

If you’re out and about in Los Angeles, pay attention to your surroundings.

Because LA is such a big music city, many restaurants, bars, venues, and clubs will advertise concerts and events.

Keep your eyes peeled for bulletin boards and flyers in local shops about upcoming things to do.

4. Outdoor Los Angeles Concerts are a Great Find

Outdoor summer concerts in LA are a time-honored tradition and a fantastic way to catch great music on a budget.

The Twilight Concert series at Santa Monica Pier should be your first stop.

Each Thursday night during the summer, the Pier hosts a line-up of artists and bands from 7-10 pm.

The music series showcases a different genre each week, from rock and pop to indie and reggae. You can rest assured you’ll find a show that fits your taste.

5. Host Your Own

One BIG way to immerse yourself in LA’s music scene is to host a concert of your own.

If you’re having a tough time finding a free concert or just want to spend a weekend doing something exciting, consider hosting a small house show.

For example, you could plan a small dinner party with drinks, link up with a few musician friends, and hold an acoustic open mic night in your living room.

It will be a party your friends won’t soon forget.

LA is a BIG Music City

Hopefully, these 5 ideas will help you get started in finding free Los Angeles concerts that fit your music taste, whether you’re an LA native or a visitor.

What is your favorite LA venue or local band? Let us know in the comments!

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